Fr. Joe Culotta, V.C. Pastor | Fr. Pachomius Alvarado-Garcia, OSB Associate Pastor | Fr. Patrick P. Cullen In Residence
Deacon G. Neal Kay, MD Permanent Deacon
2 Xavier Circle Birmingham, AL 35213 Phone: 205-871-1153
The Order of Christian Initiation, OCIA (formerly RCIA),
is designed for adults who, after hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed, consciously and freely seek the living God and enter the way of faith and conversion as the Holy Spirit opens their hearts. By God’s help they will be strengthened spiritually during their preparation and at the proper time will receive the sacraments fruitfully.
(Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, Intro paragraph 1)
Congratulations to our
2023-24 OCIA Candidates and Catechumens!

Entrance Procession

Blessing of the Candidates & Catechumens

with Deacon Neal Kay

Entrance Procession
St. Francis Xavier would like to invite anyone who is interested in learning more about the
Catholic faith to join us for OCIA. The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, which has its
roots in the early Church, is a process of catechesis and spiritual formation designed to give
participants an understanding and experience of the depth and breadth of the Catholic Church
through its teachings, worship, prayer life and service to the community.
Our program consists of weekly presentations aimed at offering a firm foundation of the Catholic
faith. This includes topics on the basic tenets of Christianity such as Reason and Divine
Revelation, Jesus, the Trinity, Grace and Redemption, Sacred Scripture, and Church History as
well as Catholic moral teaching, the Sacraments, Prayer, the Mass, Mary and the Saints and
Catholic Social Teaching. We also spend time in prayer during each session using the many
prayer forms that the Catholic Church offers. In addition, there are several liturgical Rites in
which our group participates, marking the steps of discernment and conversion that lead to
reception into the Catholic Church.
Whether unbaptized, baptized in another Christian tradition, or baptized in the Catholic Church
but never confirmed, all are welcome to journey with us in studying the Catholic response to
God’s invitation to follow Him. Sessions meet on Wednesday evenings from mid-September until
May, culminating at Eastertime when those choosing to become Catholic are received into the
For more information or to register contact
Nancy Heck or Deacon Neal Kay