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Pastoral Council Discernment

It is time to select new members to serve on the St. Francis Xavier Pastoral Council.  Fr Joe reinstated the pastoral council in 2021 and now three members have completed their terms and are rotating off.  The existing members are Chairperson: Walter Scott, Vice Chairperson: Helena Christine, Recorder: Carlisle Wheeler, Vince Schilleci, Christina Powell, and Carlisle Wheeler.

We will be using a discernment process to select two of the members and Fr. Joe will select an additional member.  Parish members will nominate for the Council those parishioners who have a real interest in serving the parish in this capacity (including self-nominations).  The qualifications for candidacy to the pastoral council are as follows:

  • Baptized Catholics in good standing who are at least 18 years of age

  • Registered members of the parish and participants in the parish worship life, especially Mass and the Sacraments.

  • A keen desire to help, and commitment to prayer and action.

  • Exhibit the ability to listen, become informed, reflect, express oneself with care, communicate, work with others, compromise, adapt quickly to new challenges, and receive training.

  • Willing to accept duties of standing committee participation

  • Only member in a household or immediate family serving on the council

  • Not a member of the parish staff

  • Able to respect the need for confidentiality when situations deem it necessary

  • Have the ability to make the expected time commitment including attendance at monthly meetings and other gatherings as necessary.

Nominations may be made in two ways:

  • By placing candidates’ names in the baskets which will be placed on the table in the gathering space the weekends of April 6-7, April 13-14, April 20-21, and April 27-28.  You may nominate yourself or someone else you feel should be considered (please ask them first)

  • By clicking on the link "Pastoral Council Nominations" below: 

  • The deadline for submission of names is April 30.

On April 30, all the candidates will gather with Fr. Joe and the current council members for an informational meeting.  This will be your opportunity to ask clarifying questions, express concerns and get a clear idea of what this ministry entails.  The selection by discernment will take place in a meeting on May 6.  All nominees must attend both sessions

                            Meet the Pastoral Council: (From left to right)

                                   Vince Schilleci, Christina Powell, Walter Scott, Jan Biasini,

                                          Carlisle Wheeler, Tricia Pugh, Alex Kozuch, Pam Jones, & John Arndt

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