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Nazareth House

A diocesan apostolate with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities  


Nazareth House is funded by Catholic Charities and private donations and hosted by Saint Francis Xavier.  



Nazareth House offers religious education, pastoral care, liturgical celebrations, and advocacy with children and adults having intellectual and developmental disabilities. Nazareth House also serves as a resource for parishes and families throughout the diocese. The mission is to promote the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities into the life of parishes. 


Father Patrick Cullen, director of Nazareth House, celebrates a low sensory mass on Saturday mornings at Saint Francis Xavier in the school annex building. 

Request Support 

If you know of an individual with an intellectual or developmental disability who would like to receive pastoral support, sacramental preparation, faith formation, or advocacy from our staff, please contact Sarah Houser. Nazareth House staff conduct pastoral visits to group homes and other settings.  


Volunteer Opportunities 

Catholic high school students may earn volunteer hours by serving as catechists with Nazareth House. Additionally, Catholic professionals in the fields of special education, psychology, speech language pathology, and related professions provide consultation to Nazareth House on best practices in religious education.  


For more information about Nazareth House or the Saturday morning low-sensory mass, please contact Sarah Wisely Houser, LICSW.  

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