Fr. Joe Culotta, V.C. Pastor | Fr. Pachomius Alvarado-Garcia, OSB Associate Pastor | Fr. Patrick P. Cullen In Residence
Deacon G. Neal Kay, MD Permanent Deacon
2 Xavier Circle Birmingham, AL 35213 Phone: 205-871-1153
We, the faith family of St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, empowered by the Holy Spirit and strengthened by Prayer, Sacraments and the Word, are pilgrim people striving to become faithful and committed followers of Jesus Christ. In response to our Gospel call, we seek to be a viable and welcoming community which ministers to the People of God through responsible stewardship of our time, talent and treasure.
- Adopted by the Pastoral Council January 23, 2006
Parish History
This is the history of our parish’s leadership, growth, and significant moments.
October 2020 - Rev. Joe Culotta appointed pastor
August 2013 – Dedication of New Columbarium
July 2007 - Rev. Robert J. Sullivan appointed pastor
May 15, 2005 - Dedication of Columbarium
September 28, 2003 - Church Dedication by Bishop Foley and 50th Anniversary celebration
June 29, 2003 - first Mass celebrated in new (third) church
July 20, 2001 – church fire
July 2001 - Rev. Patrick J. Sullivan appointed pastor
October 22, 1995 - church re-dedication
1994/1995 - church renovated
February 1993 - Rev. Paul Rohling appointed pastor
July 1992 - Rev. Joseph Culotta appointed administrator of parish
1987 - Rev. Henry McDaid appointed pastor
November 25, 1986 - new chapel dedicated in memory of Katie Rosato Bruno
April 20, 1986 - new parish hall dedicated
April 14, 1985 - ground broken for new reception hall, nursery facility
Early 1979 - Rev. Michael Sexton appointed pastor
June 8, 1974 - Rev. Msgr. William Houck appointed pastor
November 29, 1970 - Bishop Joseph Vath dedicated new church
May 10, 1970 - first Mass celebrated in new (second) church
August 1969 - construction of a larger church began
May 19, 1967 - Rev. Joseph Allen appointed pastor
April 19, 1959 - both buildings dedicated
June 1957 - Auxiliary Bishop Joseph A. Durick appointed pastor Bishop Durick began expansive program, including enlarging one-story school building into a two-story school and convent and rectory
April 24, 1955 - Archbishop Toolen dedicated the church
July 3, 1954 - first Mass held in new church
June 1954 - construction of all-purpose building (church and pastor's housing and four classrooms) completed
August 23, 1953 - first Mass held in Mountain Brook City Hall
July 1, 1953 - parish census revealed count of 137 families
June 25, 1953 - 50-acre tract of land purchased for the parish
June 1, 1953 - new parish officially established. St. Francis Xavier chosen as the church's patron saint. Rev. Frederick O. Hughes appointed pastor.
March 1953 - Archbishop Thomas J. Toolen announced plans for new parish