Fr. Joe Culotta, V.C. Pastor | Fr. Pachomius Alvarado-Garcia, OSB Associate Pastor | Fr. Patrick P. Cullen In Residence
Deacon G. Neal Kay, MD Permanent Deacon
2 Xavier Circle Birmingham, AL 35213 Phone: 205-871-1153
Liturgical Ministries
There are many ways that you can serve in liturgies at
Saint Francis Xavier!
Jay Tumminello
Director of Liturgy
Phone: 205-803-5417
Altar Servers
Boys and girls, 3rd Grade and above who have received their First Communion, assist the priest at the altar during Mass. For more information contact Molly Knerl at (205) 803-5417 or by email at
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Parishioners assist the priest in distributing the Eucharist during Mass. If you are interested in serving in this capacity, please contact the Directory of Liturgy, Molly Knerl by email at or by phone at (205) 803-5417.
Men, women and confirmed teens share in this ministry as they proclaim the Scriptures at Mass during the Liturgy of the Word. Please contact the Directory of Liturgy, Molly Knerl by email at or by phone at (205) 803-5417 for more information.
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Children's Liturgy of the Word is for our children, ages 5-9, to meet together during Mass for their own time to reflect on our Sunday Mass readings. Catechists help to explain the Scripture stories using age-appropriate language and presentations. We hope that you will join us on Sunday at the 8:30 am or 11 am Masses during the school year.
Greeters & Ushers
Greeters and ushers welcome and assist Mass attendees. Ushers also take up the collection, help people move comfortably in procession to receive Holy Communion, and distribute bulletins after Mass. To volunteer, contact the Director of Liturgy, Molly Knerl by email at or by phone at (205) 803-5417.
Sacristans are dedicated parishioners who take care of the sacred vessels. For more information, please contact Marianne Sharbel at (205) 879-8188.